Where You Belong

The freedom to be exactly who you are and explore who you want to be, surrounded by the resources necessary for each student to reach their full potential.  

The Wake Forest experience is deep, layered and designed to challenge and support the development of the whole student simultaneously. Our entire campus is a classroom. Here, living and learning are forever combined within a diverse community of individuals. The residential commons model is a structure intentionally designed to connect students to the resources they will need to thrive at Wake Forest. 

In many ways, a deeply connected residential experience is not new to Wake Forest. The commitment shown to each student by our faculty and staff is, and has been, a foundational element of an ever-evolving engaged liberal arts model. By branding, documenting, and building an even more supportive structure around a strong culture of community, we are further enhancing that which makes Wake Forest distinct.

Within this residential experience, we will curate an environment students can make their home – a home where living and learning are inseparable.


As the semester sunsets, we hope you’ll enjoy the last days of campus as we enter the last week of finals. You’ve got this, Deacs! 🏁